
Monday 1 October 2012

Sweden is the most racist country..?

Before reading this, I'm Swedish, my English is not perfect, i know this, so no need to tell me. This is all my own opinions and I know that everyone has different ones, I'd love to know yours, but not if your vocabulary consists of 5 words which are fuck, fucking, gay, idiot and pussy. because then i have absolutely no interest in ever talking to you.


Just read an interesting article about how racist us swedes are. here it is, read it and you'll understand the rest of this blog post..

Yes, this is all bull shit. let me explain this to you, first of all.. the cake, the cake was made/designed for this special occasion, here is the thing, just because they are talking about female genital mutilation (FGM) doesn't mean they will all sit there and cry does it? so that's probably why she is laughing? because she's having a good time.. laughing at the cake because it's ridiculous. Eating a cake that looks like a picture of a poster of a black woman from the 1800s is not racism? and if you all want to know, the maker and designer of that cake is a black woman. and she was there, and she wasn't crying about this, she was probably having a good time as well? One picture of her laughing and BAM she is not showing any respect? shut the fuck up. 
In Sweden after the funeral we have cake and food and stuff, to just like talk and think about the person who died and you know, stop crying for an hour or two.. when my grandma died i went to the funeral and the after bit ofc.. and there was a few moment when i was smiling and laughing in there while eating food or cake or whatever, DOES THAT MEAN I'M NOT SAD? same thing. that doesn't mean i'm not thinking about it, it doesn't mean its terrible what happened.. It means im smiling for a few seconds - being happy is a good thing? people need to chill out. 

next.. Alexander Bard on tv.. thats the link to the youtube clip.. i know you probably cant understand what he's saying.. so you'll just have to trust me when i tell you.. He's not going nigger this nigger that.. no.. he's saying racist people are scared of using the word nigger.. he is gay and he doesn't care if people call him gay because he is... And in Sweden the word Neger - nigger, is NOT always a bad thing. it all depends on how you use the word. in Sweden neger is just a word for a black person, not like oh you fucking nigger... NO.. so calm the fuck down. So in Sweden saying neger and saying mörkhyad is the same thing. 

He is also saying that you should never be afraid of people who ate talking and saying what they think, it's the quiet people and the people who are 100% politicly correct  you should keep an eye on. Which makes sense to me? he's also saying "The most racist people in Sweden does not live in the middle of nowhere and votes for Sverigedemokraterna, the most racist people live in the suburbs and vote for Folkpartiet" which makes sense to me as a Swedish person who knows what it means voting for those two.. 

Anyway, im sick of this explaining shit, i just think it's sad how much false bull shit you people have to read about Sweden. I mean if you read about a dunk elk in a tree.. i don't care, but this is on a different level. 

Sweden is not perfect, quite far from if you ask me, but i think Sweden is quite far from being the most racist country in the world.. i dont know if i should laugh or cry to be honest. and then when i though i had read it all.. i found this.. which is the largerst pile of shit i have ever read. 

I have never ever in my life heard a Swedish person say that Sweden is the best country in the world, that we do everything perfect and we're the best. this man need to sort his shit out, he clearly doesn't have a clue what he is talking about. and to be honest, this does hurt my feelings a little. 

And yes i'm Swedish so of course i am going to think this is shit and blablabla, but here is the thing, in Sweden right now.. they are talking about doing this in Sweden every week.. and they are also saying we cant sick the SWEDISH national antham in schools any more  and they are talking about not singing it in the hockey arenas.. and they want to stop serving MEAT BALLS in schools because not everyone eat pork. 

If you have a Swedish flag outside your house in Sweden you're racist. 
If you sing the national anthem in Sweden you're racist
If you think we shouldn't take in 200 000 immigrants per year you're racist
If you want to eat meat balls in school you're racist 
If you don't want to listen so a Muslim guy singing Allaahu Akbar at 5 in the morning on a Sunday you're racist. 
You see where im going with this don't you? 

I am Swedish  i love meat balls, i think the Swedish flag is very pretty and i'd love to have one outside my house if i could, i do think Sweden is clueless when it comes to how many immigrants are coming in to that country - BUT that has nothing to do with them wherever they are from.. that has to do with Sweden.. because this is how it works in Sweden.. we take them all in, but then we place them in the same areas, so we get areas with 5000 flats, where there are far to many people on ths same square kilometre. which of course will cause problems? And them after living in Sweden for 15 years, they have a life, kids in school, a job and everything is going well.. The government decide to send them back.. AND THAT is where is goes wrong! 

You should not make people feel welcome and "let them in" if you plan on kicking them out when they have finallt learned the language and settled down.. Just let less people in, and give them a real life, a safe life, i life worth living, a life without worries. I can not even imagine what it must feel like having to worry about for how long you'll be aloud to stay where you live, you might get kicked out and sent back to a war zone. It's not okay. 

So, that means i think Sweden should let less people in, does that make me racist? well NO. Isn't it better to take care of everyone instead of just letting people in, give them hope and kick them out? well i think so anyway. 

I think in Sweden, we should get meat balls in school, we should be aloud to sing our hearts out even if we feel like singing the national anthem, we should not have some dude singing allaahu akbar when we are trying to sleep.. (okey i don't really know exactly when during the day this would happen..) but you know.. and this does not mean I'm racist. 

Anyway, Sweden is not a racist country, but Sweden does get it wrong sometimes.. haha, and i think a lot of Swedish people are scared that Sweden will lose its swedishness.. and i understand that, but i mean, Sweden is not always going to be like it was in the 50s. the world is different now, maybe its time to move on and open your minds a little? 

And I've been talking to couple of my friends about all this, and they are not from Sweden  or they were born in Sweden but their parents were born somewhere else.. and they all say that they couldn't care any less if we sing the national anthem, or if we eat meat balls.. Its all the swedes idea this whole thing. because Swedish people think we're racist if we don't do this and that.. sad isn't it? 

Now you know a bit more about Sweden  and if you read any shit like those two articles again, remember, it is all just some old man bored with his own life. Sweden is not a racist country, and as always less than 50% of that you read is bs. 

And this is all what i think and stop over thinking it and don't start twisting everything around to make it to something its not, just go eat something instead, you look hungry. anyway, I'm not saying Sweden is Gods gift to the world, I'm not saying Sweden is perfect, I'm not saying i hate Sweden, I'm not saying anything like that. calm down, eat your sandwich and just chill for a bit. 

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